Sunday, March 9, 2025


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Please note: Australian spelling applies in Days DownUnder. Therefore spelling of words such as realise (realize), colour (color), recognise (recognize), defence (defense) and so on, 
are not typing or
spelling errors as we
adopt European/English spelling in Australia.

AUSTRALIAN READERS PLEASE NOTE: The wrap up you see now is CURRENT for MELBOURNE.  NSW is 3 days ahead of us, Perth in Western Australia is about 18 months behind, regional Western Australia is ahead by 2 days.  South Australia- previously behind, then 3 weeks ahead are now about 3 days ahead! (good grief) Other towns and regions are all over the place. This gives us a jolly old time - the wrap ups are either old news, last week's news or "Spoilers" depending where you are! Whatever your situation, please sit back and enjoy!   


A Better Word and Resume

Week 5: Aug 28-Sep 1 - Day 2

Episodes screened March 97 in the U.S. 


As Susan sidles towards the door grasping the baby, a voice rings out.  Stop! commands a nearby nurse.  Where do you think you're going with that baby?

As Susan flounders for explanations, John arrives on the scene.  Oh, it's okay, that's the baby's mother, and I'm the father - John Black.

Oh I'm sorry, gushes the nurse embarrassed.  I'm only here for the day.  John happily accepts her excuse - after all, you're just doing your job right?

Ever the sensitive new age man, John has realised that Kristen may like some privacy when nursing John Junior for the first time, and has arranged a special room.  Eyeing KSusan quizzically, he feels something is wrong.

There's something different about you, he murmurs squinting to get a better view.  It could be the wig, the different colour, the different style, oh I don't know the fact that you have a different accent? Mmm, he sighs.  It's got me.  Maybe it's just your maternal feelings coming to the fore.

Stand off

Vivian is hard at work juggling a number of sensitive issues - not least of which is confronting Kate.  Kate has selfishly cancelled Vivian's project - a very lucrative project that will bring millions in for Titan, but Vivian outwits her enemy. Fine, go ahead with the cancellation, but this is a goldmine opportunity for Titan, and I shall be contacting all the newspapers to let them know what a business novice you are Kate.  Once Victor is well again, he will be able to see first hand, the havoc you caused by letting this opportunity slip away.

Backing off, Kate's clearly annoyed.  Well you may have won a small battle Vivian, she snarls, but you haven't won the war!

Stand off 2

While Kristen is twiddling her thumbs waiting for Susan, not realising Susan is already with John, Marlena sidles up alongside. Why aren't you breastfeeding your baby Kristen? she asks crisply as Kristen rolls her eyes.  I'm just thinking, Kristen growls.  Listen, why don't you just stay the hell away from me and John and our baby!

Because, I'm keeping an eye on you and John's invited me to watch you nurse the baby for the first time too!  Well forget it, snarls Kristen, you're not invited!

Fortunately, Carrie interrupts.  I need to talk with you about my miserable love life, she wails, as Marlena looks torn.  Come on honey, she smiles placing her arm around Carrie, you know I'm always here for you.

Bumping into a nurse, Kristen is alerted when the nurse looks confused.  Didn't I just see you with your husband around the corner? she asks.  Oh I took a break, Kristen explains.


As Susan nurses John Junior, Kristen peers unseen behind the door.  I've never felt so close to you as I have at this moment, John warbles mistily as Susan's eyes roll in ecstasy.

That should be me in there! whispers Kristen tearfully.

Ivan's News

Back from Dr Wu's clinic, Ivan reports in seeming much calmer.  Dr Wu has given me the antidote, but there's one more thing he says I must do to restore the balance of my manhood.  I must make mad passionate love to the woman I love, and well, that would be you Madam.

Oh! I er, oh. replies Vivian startled.

Enlisting Help

Kate is still searching for the papers Scami has in her possession.  Papers that have the potential to spill the beans on Kate's past. Now that Scami has amnesia, Kate is at a loss to know where to search, yet she feels they could be in the apartment Scami shared with Ausdumb.

Enlisting the help of an interior decorator and long-time friend, she gives instructions for the apartment to be revamped top to bottom, with a view for looking for papers in a grey envelope.

The discreet gentleman nods, asking no questions, promising he will keep an eye out.

A night of passion...

Ivan is over the moon.  He's about to bed madam, the woman of his dreams.  Armed with champagne flutes and a bottle of champagne, Ivan knocks discreetly at the door.  Ah Madam? It is I, Ivan! he smiles feeling very debonair.  After our night of passion you will forget all about Victor Geriatricakis, he whispers to himself.

Swishing out of her room, Vivian sprays herself with perfume.  I guess it's the least I can do, she vows, Ivan has done so much for me.

Preparing to sweep open the door, the phone rings.

It's Dr Wu following up on Ivan's health.  Yes, he's fine, Vivian assures him, but the second part of your advice that he make love with a woman to restore his balance was a little odd!

What? shouts Dr Wu outraged.  I said no such thing!

Ah, smiles Vivian seeing the light.  Oh Ivan, she mutters thinking of a plan.  You naughty, naughty boy!


As John stares memorised through the nursery window as baby Black jiggles and gurgles, Susan joins him. Smiling, John's face turns to sadness as Susan talks of her baby taken away.  As Susan saunters down the hall, John refers to her as Marlena joins him.  A very sad woman was just here, he remarks.  Pity you can't help her Doc.

Payback time..

Ivan's sagging at the door having waiting for what seems like forever for Madam to offer him entry into her boudoir.  Finally the moment arrives.  You can come in now, Madam's voice rings out, and Ivan enters the room.

Casting an eye to the bed, he's pleased to see the satin sheets bearing the shape of his beloved madam.  Yes, well we will dispense with the champagne until later, he quips.  Madam must be very eager to make mad passionate love!

Slipping into bed, Ivan gasps to see the feisty form of Olga ready, randy and raring to go.  Oh no! Ivan mutters terrified as the love-sick Swede jumps upon him with gusto.! he yelps as he falls to the floor.

You can have my room for the night, smiles Vivian alongside the door, as she tosses rose petals on the carpet.  You naughty boy Ivan, never try to trick Aunty Vivian!

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