5: Aug 28-Sep 1 - Day 3 & 4
screened March 97 in the U.S.
Wednesday's episode wasn't shown due to the Pat Cash Tennis
Thursday 31st Aug
Carrie's Perturbed
Carrie's perturbed. Ausdumb is spending more and more time away from
her and more and more time with Scami. What happens if she never
regains her memory? she despairs. We'll be going around hiding like
this forever!
Don't you worry, Ausdumb smiles. Marlena has bought us a weekend
trip away - just the two of us, where we can get together. Soon Scami
will be up and around and healthy enough for us to break the news to her,
even if she doesn't remember.
I guess so, sighs Carrie dubiously.
has an idea and has called to see Susan. What I want you to do is take
this note to the pharmacy. I want you to buy a breastpump and I want you
to express your milk for John Junior.
I'll be
around in a couple of hours to pick up the bottle.
What's up?
has wandered into Ausdumb's apartment shocked that the interior decorators are
in full swing. Instantly, he's suspicious. I know why you're doing
this, he nods. Scami's got something on you, and you're covering up
looking for what is hidden, by having the apartment decorated.
Come on Mom, you can confide in me. What is it?
Wavering for a moment, Kate wisely decides to keep her lips zipped, much to
Lucas' chagrin.
Baby Shower
Jennifer and Hope have combined forces, vowing to forget their woes for just
a few hours and celebrate the birth of John Junior with an impromptu baby shower
for Kristen.
Laura, experiencing flashbacks in greater frequency despite regularly taking her
"forget me" pills, is unimpressed when she hears who the party is
Believing strongly that Kristen was involved in her disappearance, and
knowing the manipulative style of the women who has caused Marlena's
distress, Laura is less than kind when she answers the door.
Kristen! she announces, before leaning forward conspiratorially. I
know what you've done to Marlena and John and I'm sure you're involved in my
disappearance - I think you're despicable.
Smiling back brightly, Kristen laughs. Why thanks Laura! she
chuckles as she enters the room embracing Hope and Jennifer.
looks wonderful! she laughs happily.
Hope ensures the happy moment is stopped in its tracks, by relaying to her
friends, her loss of Bozo to Billieboob. Oh no, mutters Jennifer. I
wish I'd known!
Right on
cue, Billieboob appears. Hi, she smiles wanly seeing Hope. I can't
stay, I just wanted to give you my present for the baby Kristen. You've
been such good friends to me....
Frowning, Jennifer looks at Billieboob. That sounds like goodbye! she
says as Billieboob returns her stare blankly. I've got to go. Bye!
Regrets? Bo's had a few...
hates the way things have turned out. Sure, he's been successful in
infiltrating the world of the drug lord J.L.King, but in the process has put
Billieboob's life in danger, and lost Hope's love. Things will work out,
Amiable Abe assures him. In the meantime, Billieboob better come and meet
us soon. Her witness protection program is ready to swing into action.
As the
baby shower continues, Kristen mulls over Laura's words. Taking Nurse Lynn
aside, she questions her. Laura seems to be quite lucid these days, she
quips. Are you sure you are giving her the medication? Yes, I most
certainly am! Nurse Lynn sniffs annoyed.
Billie's gone...
knowing that Billieboob has decided to travel for a little while, remembers some
outstanding business matters and is trying to catch her at the party. No, Jennifer says,
Billieboob left here already.
Oh, sighs Kate disappointed. I was hoping to catch her before she left
Billieboob has left town? repeats Jennifer looking at Hope who gives her full
attention to the conversation. She didn't mention it to us! Jennifer
simpers shocked.
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Reserved: Gayle Howard |