2: June 5-June 9
Episodes screened December 1996 in the U.S.
The Favor
needs a favor. He and Peter are ready to leave Salem, but that pesky
John Black has the airport crawling with police. Get rrrrrid of them! he urges
feeling guilty. Somehow in the deep recesses of his psyche he knows that
non-elective brain surgery isn't right - no matter how much he wants to keep a
secret. I hope Laura will be okay, he moans as Stefano rolls his eyes.
He's got a long way to go before he can be a true DiMera if he's experiencing
doubts over a minor piece of kidnapping/brain surgery, the pudgy tycoon
Tenuous Links
is annoyed that Bo has allowed their son, the cheesy ShawnD, to think that
they could be a family again by Christmas. After all Bo, she explains, I
have made the ground rules for this break-up and potential reunion. If your
hunch that FrUnco Kelly is indeed the basher of Black-Eyed Jill, that will
mean everything else you've ever said is also correct - including that you no
longer have feelings for Billieboob. If however you are unsuccessful in
nabbing the smarmy FrUnco, well I will draw a tenuous link between Black-Eyed
Jill's bashing and your feelings for Billieboob - and then it's all over.
That sure gives Bo something to think about as he sadly watches Hope flounce
from the room.
Call No. 2334456789
suspiciously over his collar, FrUnco sees the coast is clear before reaching
for his cellphone with constantly charged battery.
Wee muz meet!
he tells his still anonymous boss. Eets juz a madder of time thad Jeel
weel waig up and idennify me! Then Bo and Hop weel be togever again.
taken the first of the week's dopey pills. Oh Kristen, he groans, what a
wonderful kind person you are. Despite the trauma of your own brother's
death, here you are worrying about Jennifer's mother still missing. You
are indeed a special lady. I'll do as you suggest. If Laura is indeed
scared of flying, she won't be at the airport. I'll pull "my"
men away now so we can better use our resources.
out of the closet that he shares with Eric Brady, Dr All Purpose Mike finally
has something to do, now he's looking for his missing mother. Go ahead,
he tells Jennifer as she accepts an invitation to spend Christmas at the
DiMansion with John and Kristen. I'll man the phones here.
A Vision
walking in the fog looking for Laura. He's searched the park bench, the
tree branches, the trash bin and the grass - all within an area of 4 square
feet. Devastated at his lack of success in finding her, he turns to
Celeste, also walking in the park.
and somewhat impressed by her fixated stare, he urges Celeste to tell what she
Laura is surrounded
by people at a busy place, she tells him mysteriously. Thinking, Jack's
face brightens. Celeste must mean the airport! Investigative Ace
Reporter Jack Devereaux is now on the trail!
Lexie and Commander Amiable Abe are delighted to join John at the DiMansion
for a night of Christmas fun and warmth. Where's Kristen? asks Lexie.
Mmm, frowns John raising a full blown squint as he gazes at his friend
curiously. She was here...where did she go?
She's Here
has taken a few moments to bid adieu to her brother as Stefano provides last
minute instructions. Now we do not know what Laura will remember from
her ground breaking laser brain surgery, he tells her. The power dipping
in the middle of surgery could have been a problem. Nevertheless, Peter
and I cannot stay, so you'll have to face the heat - whatever Laura remembers
or doesn't remember, you'll have to take care of it.
can do it as long as I have you, sobs Kristen embracing her brother.
I'll be back promises Peter. I have to come back for Jennifer when I'm
well. You'll see me again.
arrived and John's providing a low-down on the progress of their search. After
Kristen advised that your mother was scared of flying, we pulled the men from
the airport, he nods ticking off his mental to-do list.
My mother? asks
Jennifer frowning. My mother isn't afraid of flying!
and Hope have been summoned to the private hospital housing Black-Eyed Jill.
Seems she's been having nightmares. I'm sorry, she tells the
disbelieving Detective Bo. I can't. I can't go to your line-up.
But you must! blurts Bo distraught. It's not only catching the man who's
responsible for this. My life with the difficult Fancy Face is dependent
upon your testimony! You have the power to make our cheesy son ShawnD
stop spouting about his wishing us to be a family again!
Let me take over Bo,
fumes Hope. Listen Jill, she whispers. I want the limelight now,
so I'll explain to you that I was kidnapped last year. That was much
worse than the routine bashings you've been experiencing. I found, the
only way to get my self-respect back, was to start a new crusade. You
need to go on with your life. Make that start by attending the line-up
and see if you can identify your attacker.
Considering their
combined plea for a nanosecond, Jill purses her lips. No, she replies as
they share a look and snarl.
suffering pangs of guilt, Peter stops Stefano's henchman temporarily as he
carries the unconscious, but strangely stiff Laura to her dumping ground.
I know you don't believe me, Peter tells his former mother-in-law, but I
really do love Jennifer - and I will come back for her.
Kristen returns with the excuse of purchasing one last Christmas present, John
squints at her. Jennifer said her mother wasn't afraid of flying! he
tells her. Oh? remarks Kristen showing surprise. I was sure
someone told me Laura was terrified of airplanes. Well in any case,
there's no point putting men back there now. Laura doesn't have her
handbag or purse - she could hardly purchase a ticket!
her words while popping dopey pills by the handful, John agrees. You're
right Kristen. Come on, let's go and sing Christmas dirges and
forget about all the bad things that have happened in the past few weeks.
Hear John, Abe,
Lexie, Kristen and Jennifer er, sing HERE (Real
Audio) - NOTE: If you're feeling depressed, don't have razor blades
handy. The tunelessness will indeed send you over the edge.
Investigative Hound
Devereaux, investigative ace reporter has found his way to the Salem airport.
Recognising one of Stefano's henchman eyeing the remaining police, he knows
something's up. But where's Laura? he thinks, eyes darting swiftly.
and Hope are catching up on last minute Christmas shopping when Bo spies
FrUnco, talking animatedly to a white pillar. Who's he with? he mutters
Demonstrating not an
unhealthy bout of paranoia, Bo's eyes narrow. Somehow all of these
events tie up - somebody's working very hard to keep us apart, he tells Hope,
who looks at him strangely. Who would do that? she asks in disbelief.
We'll know in a moment, determines Bo striding forward.
up to Jennifer, Kristen looks sincere. I have a strong feeling, she
tells her maudlin friend, that your mother will be found before Christmas.
I'm sure of it.
unconscious, but thoughtfully wrapped in a blanket, Laura has been left on a
park bench in the snow, all ready to be found by whomever shows heroic
tendencies in Salem this week.
whiskey in the back of the limousine with Stefano alongside, Peter smirks.
It's ironic, he smiles. Jack will spend the rest of his life in prison
for my murder, while I walk through Salem airport in full view on my way to recuperate.
Presumably the DiMera fleet of corporate jets our out of action.
on his vast knowledge of clever disguises, Jack has come up with a beauty.
With a cap on his head, janitor's uniform and a cleaning rag, no one will
recognise him as Ace Reporter Undercover. Something's up - his newspaper
nose tells him so.
JUNE 6th
Mommy Kate to the
has a great gift for Carrie, but he can't wrap it - it's himself! Yes,
solving the absent father problem as he sniffs after Carrie as she conducts
her coast-to-coast purchasing investigations, mommy Kate has come up with an
idea that Ausdumb can still be a "real" father! Kate's offered
Son No. 1 the Titan jet so he can spend time with Will at weekends!
Isn't that peachy? Airy Carrie can't believe her good luck. In
love with a guy this sweet, AND who has a rich mom? Can life get any
better than this?
having the worst Christmas ever. Peter's dead, Laura's missing.
How can you sing out of tune with the rest of the family when you're feeling
so poorly? Marlena sympathises. I'm sure they'll find Laura soon,
she says hopefully.
ol' eagle-eyed Jack, ace reporter continues to peer under his cap brim for
anything that looks suspicious at the airport. Stefano's henchmen are
getting nervous. Stefano's due any minute and wanting to live longer
than Christmas, they are keen for nothing to go wrong.
I don't know what
I'm looking for, Jack mutters strangely to his shirt collar, but something is
going to happen at this airport. Of that, I'm sure.
Scami and Lucas watch Ausdumb and Carrie smooch enthusiastically, Scami's
eyebrow raises. I've got to think of something to keep Ausdumb here, she
tells Lucas. Eyeing his friend thoughtfully, Lucas agrees. He
doesn't say much these days, but he's good for as a sounding post to share
Marlena's Vow
a smoochy exchange between John and Kristen, John steps from the room as
Marlena enters. Leaning forward, Marlena whispers hatefully at her
enemy. Next year, John and I will be celebrating Christmas. Next
year he will have found out about your lies, and your deception.
As Marlena departs,
happy to have imparted a little of her unique brand of Christmas cheer,
Kristen pouts. Nope, I don't think so DOC, she spits.
Bo Pounces
Bo Clueless Brady and his would-be wife Hope are pounding the pavements in
search of a last minute Christmas gift for ShawnD, when Bo spies FrUnco
talking animatedly to a pillar. Striding quickly towards him, Bo grabs
his shoulder. Who were you talking to? he demands outstripping his
police powers.
As FrUnco's mouth
imitates a guppy, Bo sees a departing figure. Why it's Billieboob!
Were you talking with FrUnco? he asks her, and she frowns. No.
Turning on
Bo spreads spittle wildly. Confess who were you talking to! he demands.
obviously special event couple Never-win Mickey and AA-Maggie are wistfully
thankful for all they have and the love that surrounds them always keeping
them safe. Oh well, except for Laura who's lost. And then there's
Peter who just died. And then of course good friend Marlena who was
kidnapped for a prolonged time. All in all it's been a good time for the
Horton's. Yup.
Strolling through
the snow-laden park, siblings Mike and Jennifer spout the true meaning of
Christmas for the benefit of those of us who may have forgotten. Those
poor homeless people who have to be in this snow on Christmas, Jennifer
laments, where it's obviously colder on Christmas Day than the days before and
after. Quoting statistics on the homeless, Jennifer urges us all
to do the right thing.
a body wrapped in a blanket on the park bench, All Purpose Mike and Jennifer
stop. A real homeless person! We could put our sermon to good use!
Uncovering the hapless bum provides a surprise - why it's Laura!
She's still alive!
grins Dr All Purpose Mike Horton gleefully. Let's get her home.
Stopping for a
moment, Jennifer twinkles at the sky. Thank you, she smiles, for making
my Christmas wish come true.
Unhappy Scami
is decidedly less than impressed when Ausdumb breaks the news of his impending
increases in frequent flyer points courtesy of Titan Airways. So, you'll
fly in, fly out, that's not being much of a father, you'll probably even miss
Will's first steps! she snorts against a volley of delighted laughter from
family folk.
Looking up,
Ausdumb's expression changes. Why it's Will tottering along the floor.
here! Come to daddy, he urges as one little foot is placed gingerly after
Grasping Will,
Ausdumb throws him high. Well Scami, I won't miss his first steps will
I? he asks happily, as Scami eats a lemon.
Next year
Carrie looks wistfully at Ausdumb and Marlena slurps in John's manly form hungrily
across the floor, Marlena makes a vow. Carrie - this time next year, you
will be with Ausdumb and I'll be with John. I promise it.
Hope reluctantly sides with Bo that yes, she did see FrUnco talking to the
pillar, FrUnco looks abashed. Orrite, I tell yoo za troot, he explains.
The troot is I wuz praying to God. I wuz dinking of the woman I luffed and my
child and was praying that He would look after dem dis Chreesmas.
Chuckling, Bo shakes
his head. You'd take the Lord our God's name in vain man? he snarls.
You have no morals at all, and soon my friend, you'll be in jail where you
belong. I noo yoo wouldden belief me, says FrUnco sadly. But it
eez troo.
Shock Arrival!
All Purpose Mike and Jennifer burst in the door with a blanketed being, AA-Maggie, Mickey and Alice are startled. It's Mom! Jennifer explains.
We found her on a park bench. Someone has been looking after her though - her
hair is clean, she has clean clothes on. Who could have been caring for
she whisper as Laura looks groggily around the fuzzy faces of relieved family.
You're home mom. Home, murmurs Laura before settling into sleep mode
Peter's Promise
had word Laura's been discovered, so his undercover sleuthing at the airport
is no longer needed. Racing for the door, he misses Peter by inches.
Stopping, before boarding the plane, Peter sneers.
I'll be back Jack,
he vows, and when I am back, I'll be taking Jennifer with me.
Laura - the spot
Mike and Jennifer place Laura to bed, All Purpose Dr Mike, looks curiously at
her forehead. What's that mark on her temple? he frowns. Perhaps
mom will tell us when she wakes up, offers Jennifer.
at church to celebrate with the Brady's, Hope looks decidedly cold with her
lack of sleeves. Nevertheless cheesy Shawn D is thrilled to be a family
again with his mom and dad, even if if is only for the night.
Family Ties
has put in an appearance at the Horton celebrations despite having a mother of
his own celebrating with her stunned mullet husband in the Geriatricakis
mansion. We think of you as a Horton! smiles Alice despite never
speaking to him over the past year. Yeah! pipes up Mike you're my little
half-brother, he says not really quite sure of the kinship and stumbling over
his lines. I'm pleased to be here, smiles Lucas bringing it to a total
of 10 words spoken over the past month.
so, the annual Horton celebrations begin. Alice places her bauble on the
tree, followed closely by Mickey.
places Melissa, Maree's and Sarah's balls on a branch (so to speak).
looks tentative as he places his own and his absent daddy "Bill"
sits pensive as she stares at Tom's bauble remembering times of Christmas

in church, Ausdumb can't keep his eyes of Carrie, while she gives up trying to
sing and closes her mouth (thankfully).
John with his complete harem, grasps woman No. 1's hand and kissing it; Kristen smiles smugly at
Marlena until....
grasps Woman No. 2's hand who's heart begins to flutter as Kristen glares
angrily across the man they love. No matter, there's enough of John to
go around.
meantime, can't begin to sing in tune, so she looks pensive, while Bo tries
The Horton's
misses Tom and looking out the window she remembers some more.

was a nice ending. sob.
JUNE 7th
A special present
wakes up to an amorous Ausdumb who promises something really special.
thrilled when she sees the contents of the envelope he provides.
Annulment papers? she trills overjoyed. Yup, Never-Win Mickey raced them
through the system. In just a very short time we can be married!
Carolyn's Present
has been invited to the Brady Family Christmas celebration and is thrilled
when Caroline provides the gift of a picture from long ago. After that my
life was with Stefano. Yes well, he's gone and everything is hunkydory,
smiles Caroline, as Celeste face falls. Celeste is not so sure.
More memories
This memory of Tom
thing was great. Yesterday.
it's getting a little old.
Alice and Tom in earlier times...
Tom as Alice remembers him. Have we had enough flashbacks yet?
relationships are just the ticket to start off Christmas morning. As
Marlena reminds Kristen of her inside knowledge, Kristen is snappish.
Most people want to give and be kind at Christmas Marlena, but you just want
to take take take take take, she snips.
Brady Gathering
Brady Family Christmas is in full swing, and Marlena is delighted to be part
of the family once again, as she holds onto Belle lest the poor kidlet
remember she has feet.
over to John getting cosy with the kids, Marlena sheds a tear. Isn't
Christmas a wonderful time? she gulps as Caroline embraces her and agrees.
starts to stir and Jennifer's concerned. Mom are you okay? You're at
Gran's house. Jennifer, Jack whispers Laura groggily before descending
again to the land of nod.
Celeste &
Kristen's hand to emphasise her Christmas wishes, Celeste looks stunned.
Did you get a vibration or something? asks Kristen nastily, as Celeste raises
a watery smile. No, no, she says it was nothing.
Alone a moment later
however, Celeste takes a moment to chat amongst herself. Laura and
Kristen are somehow linked. I don't know how, but they are linked
together someway.
The Christmas
has bestowed the job of the annual Christmas story reading to the hospital
kids to grandson All Purpose Mike Horton who is simply overwhelmed with the
responsibility. I hope I can do as good a job as Granddad did every
year, he tells Alice, who once again trots off to memory land.
of Tom reading to the children.
Smiling benignly
Alice touches down into the present. Yes I'm sure you will do just fine,
she assures Mike, who sighs and prepares for the task.
Stolen Kisses
standing right underneath the mistletoe - a fact that hasn't missed John
Black's heat seeking lips. Reaching for Marlena, he plants a little more
than platonic smooch, knocking Marlena's shoes off and causing Caroline Brady's
eyebrows to raise from the across the room. Mmm, she speculates to Shawn
as they share glances. Unfortunately in that threesome, someone will
lose, and I have a feeling the split will be happening very soon.
To be sure, to be
sure, mutters Shawn.
Kristen's visit
stolen a few moments to check Laura's progress, and her anxiety grows as she
sees Laura is still asleep. Please Laura please don't recall what you
know about Peter and me, she whispers, as Laura's eyes flicker and then droop.
June 8th
having longer hair only hours before, nobody mentions the change as Marlena
walks into the room.
here to report on the anxiety stricken, yet snoozy Laura who despite
displaying an odd spot of red on her temple and a fondness for snoring, seems
none the worse for her on-the-spot brain surgery. How is Laura? asks
Kristen anxiously, keen to find out if her fears that Laura remembers all have
She's still
sleeping, I'll try to interrogate her later, replies Marlena crisply.
Marlena leaves, Kristen smiles. You know what would really please me?
she asks him. Let's elope. Let's get married today!
We'll soon know
decides to stress his point with Billieboob again. If I cannot be
identified by Black-Eyed Jill at the line-up, which I know I won't, then that
will mean Hope will not believe Bo any longer and he'll be free to admit your
feelings for you Beeleeboob.
I don't know about
that FrUnco, whispers Billieboob coyly as she begins to entertain the
possibility of regaining Detective Clueless' love.
what it's worth, and frankly we presume it's worth very little, Never-win
Mickey is briefing his new client Jack Devereaux on his trial strategy for the
killing of Peter Blake. There's no evidence at all, that Peter was there
to kidnap Jennifer. There was no syringe found that you said you saw. The
only thing we can do, is place Peter Blake on trial. We know what a
baddie he is. Go for it! smiles Jack all smiles. Character
assassination of Peter Blake won't be hard.
Changed minds
keen to spread around her psychiatrist's wisdom, and who better than the
grieving Jennifer? Tell me how you really feel...murmurs Marlena
encouragingly as Jennifer sighs. Well, over Christmas I did manage to
feel happy with Jack, but now I'm all confused because I realise again that he
killed Peter. As Marlena suspects quite rightly that Jennifer has indeed
fallen in love again with Jack, Jennifer sobs tearlessly on her
shoulder. Oh Marlena, she wails as Jack stands silently listening behind
the couch. I just can't take any more pain.
That's it, thinks
Jack. I can't let Never-Win Mickey's strategy go ahead. Putting
Peter on trial would just hurt her more - Mickey will have to find another
Hope stands behind a pillar, she sees Billieboob and Bo meet
coincidently. Seeing how they relate over a pink rose, Hope's
bottom lip begins to quiver. She was right. Bo does have feelings
for both her and her good pal Billieboob.
busy today. Now she's about to interrogate the hapless Laura, who
typically wants to snooze a bit more. It's me Marlena, her pal commands,
as Laura lifts her head groggily. Mmmmm? she murmurs much to Marlena's
All better
Jill has made a miraculous recovery from the hospital and is all ready to
identify Bo's key suspect in a line-up. Or is she? I don't know
Bo, she says apologetically, I'm not sure I want to do this.
Sure you do! Bo
urges her. This is very important - my love life depends on it. Well,
okay, wishy washy Jill replies.
JUNE 9th
Breaking the news
down. Not only has Ausdumb announced his intentions of annulling their
sham of a marriage within the next few days, but just to add insult to injury
further, he's taking her sister, the smug and sexy Carrie to their one and
only known holiday destination - the Green Mountain Lodge. Scami has to do
something- and quick. But what?
Laura - The word
Laura mumbles in her sleep, Marlena watches carefully. You're home
Laura, Marlena assures her. Everything will be alright.
Sitting bolt upright
in bed, Laura opens her eyes in panic.
are you alright? asks Marlena concerned. Kristen! spurts Laura
anxiously. Kristen! Kristen!
Settling down again,
Marlena turns to us frowning. Why on earth would she want to see
Kristen? she asks to no one in particular.
jumping all over himself with joy. This is the moment, he can taste
it. Any moment now Black-Eyed Jill will identify FrUnco as her attacker,
and that smarmy European can go to jail and more importantly, Bo's lovelife
will again flicker and flame with Hope. As FrUnco steps forward, Bo
looks excited. Have you seen him yet Jill? he drools huh huh? have ya?
Scami walks into the pub, she's just in time to hear Ausdumb recounting his
and Carrie's plans to Caroline and Shawn. So we'll be leaving in a few
minutes for Green Mountain Lodge, he grins as the oldies smile
encouragement. You were meant to be together, confirms Caroline as Shawn
agrees, to be sure to be sure....
Scami removes Ausdumb's keys from his pockets. If I take the keys, he
won't be going anywhere with Carrie, she sniffs sweeping unseen from the pub.
you ready? huh? Can you identify the man? says Bo salivating. Yes,
I can identify the man, Jill nods seriously as Bo holds his breath.
Well? who is it?
He's not here, Jill
tells them. I could identify the man if he were here, but he's
not. I'm so sorry Bo.
But you have too!
spits Bo seeing his love life crash around his ears. Look at them again.
Bo, warns Commander
Amiable Abe. This would be coercion. If she says he's not
there - he's not there.
Sadly, Hope turns
away, as Billieboob bats her lashes. Jill's statement has just changed
life for all of them.
driving in the dark slippery conditions, Scami's exultant. I wish I
could see Carrie's face when she realises that she and Ausdumb aren't going
anywhere, she says defiantly.
excited. Could it be that Laura has some disturbing dirt on Kristen? Making a beeline over to the
DiMansion, Marlena confronts
Kristen. Laura's still sleeping, but for some reason, she sat bolt
upright in bed and muttered your name. Why would that be Kristen?
Marlena challenges her, as John's eyebrow does the tango. I'm sure I
don't know, mumbles Kristen wide eyed and innocent.
if she was in trouble wouldn't she mention Jennifer's name or Mike's? I
don't know! smiles Kristen looking uncertain. It could mean anything I
Well she wants you and I'm taking you to her
now, Marlena snorts. We'll
sort this out.
Car's gone!
furious! The car's gone! Now it's going to take forever to report
it to the police! Not to mention all our luggage is inside, adds Carrie
Nevermind, Carrie
reassures him. It's alright. The main thing is that we're together
right? Right, agrees Ausdumb turning to goo in the light of her loving
Scami is exultant over her latest trick, she's startled when the steering
wheel slips sideways. Trying to correct her steering, she's in
trouble. Aggghghhhhhhhhh!!!!!! she screams.
Will Scami be hurt?
Will Laura blurt out the truth?
Turn in next week for Days
The results from last week's quizlet to the question: Who do you
think is the strongest female character on the show? were:
Marlena 49% Kristen 22% Sami 14% Laura 2% Kate 9% Billie 3%
Click here to continue to June
Week 3
to Days Down Under
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