4: June 19-June 23
Episodes screened January 97 in the U.S.
Grim News
Ausdumb gazes mournfully at Scami from her bedside, he's full of remorse.
The things he said to her before flattening her internal organs with a
double whammy impact of his faulty car were unforgivable. She has to
get better, Ausdumb mumbles as Carrie looks sympathetic. You can't
beat yourself up over this, she whispers. It's not your fault.
Dr All Purpose Mike Horton looks grim. The signs are not good for
Scami, he reveals earnestly. The next few hours will be critical.
Friends &
running out of people to hug, Marlena's thrilled when a new face pops on the
scene. Oh Mickey! she wails holding on tight. Alice sends her
love and support, he tells her as her nose runs freely onto his shoulder.
an unusual moment. Scene fillers Jonah and Wendy discuss Scami's
accident and pray for her recovery in bed. Were we missing the week's
bare chest quota?
Marlena suffers guilt over her lack of maternal offerings during Scami's
childhood years, she's struck by a thought. Coma patients frequently
come through with the aid of music! Quick get the radio, there must be
a station that plays non-stop maudlin violin music to die by!
from Scami's side by Laura, Marlena trots upstairs to lend support to her
no! sobs Laura as Marlena tells her the news of Scami. Go and be with
your daughter! No, they know where I am, nods Marlena. Tell me about
you. Tell me what you remember. Nothing, Laura admits downcast.
Every time I try and get a grip on what happened while I was gone, my head
hurts, she moans. Perhaps we could do psychotropic drugs like we tried
on Looney Rachel? asks Marlena. Maybe hypnosis?
Yes, smiles Laura
eagerly. I'd like to try mind altering substances and hypnosis!
hurting seeing her son Ausdumb's distress, but sees a world of possibilities
should Scami not make it. If she can have an opportunity to rifle
through Scami's apartment, she just may recover the papers that lay claim to
the truth. The truth that Scami threatens regularly to expose.
Can I get you a
change of clothes Ausdumb? asks Kate. Sure, he agrees giving her Carrie's
keys. They're in her apartment, he explains as Kate frowns. Give
me Scami's keys too, she suggests. I could pick up Will's favourite
toys and take them over to Caroline's. Good idea, smiles Ausdumb
placing the keys in Kate's hands.
Vivian's idea
that Scami is in hospital, has also provided some solid ideas for
Vivian. If she can ransack Scami's apartment, she may be able to find
whatever it was that Scami was holding against Kate. And with Vivian's
tenuous hold on controlling the Geriatricakis household, she can really do
with some added ammunition.
just can't keep away. Knowing that Laura may anytime regain her
missing memory has Kristen on tenterhooks. Visiting with Jennifer,
Kristen looks at her sympathetically. Do you remember any more? she smiles
No, frowns Laura
as Kristen breathes a sigh of relief. I wish I could tell you why I
called you a "liar and a fraud" before collapsing though.
I'm sorry, Kristen sighs. I don't know what you could have been
thinking about at that time. Perhaps it was just a dream?
Back to Scami
stands frowning beside Scami's bed. For all she's done to us, and all
the misery she's put us through, she tells Ausdumb, I still love her, she's
still my sister.
uncomfortably, Ausdumb wills Scami to wake by urging their mute son to speak
up. Ma ma, pipes a whining little voice emanating from somewhere other
than Will. As Ausdumb chuckles with paternal pride, a glimmer of a
smile hovers around Scami's lips.
Did you see that?
did you see that? asks Ausdumb struck in his prime by the repeating
disease. She smiled at Will's voice! She smiled at Will's
voice! I saw her? Did you see it?
She's going to be
okay I know it! Get Marlena!
you sure she smiled? queries Marlena hopefully, as Ausdumb performs a
passable nodding dog reply.
June 20
What to do?
Kristen leaves Laura's room, she's even more concerned than ever.
Laura is clearly having flashes of memory. It could be just a matter
of time before the truth hits her. The truth that will see Stefano and
Peter being exposed as still alive, and Kristen "pregnancy" shown
to be a sham. Who can help me? she ponders, until she spies the
doctor's board. Dr Kay, she mutters smiling. It was Dr Kay that
Stefano hired to do Laura's operation. He'll have some answers.
Dr Kay is far from thrilled to see Kristen arrive in his office.
That's it! he sighs shaking his head. If Laura is remembering things, I've
got to get out of Salem now! I told Stefano it was only experimental
Those tablets
Laura is taking, are helping her memory as well. The longer she takes
them, the more she'll be getting breakthrough memories.
Well you'd
better think of something, snarls Kristen, or we'll all be in trouble.
Kate enters Scami's apartment with the keys Ausdumb provided, she's startled
to see she's not the first. What the hell are you two doing here? she
roars as Vivian and Ivan collapse in a heap on the floor.
More to the point
Kate, Vivian responds suspiciously. What are you doing here?
I'm picking up
some of Will's toys, Kate replies airily, but you, are breaking and
entering. I think I'll call the police right now!
Bluffing, Vivian's
eyes narrow. Scami told me what she had on you Kate, she
whispers. Call the police and I tell the world. Pah! spits
Kate. Scami told you nothing as there IS nothing to tell.
As Kate places the
phone receiver down anyway, Vivian is triumphant. As I thought, she
remarks. Scami does have something on you.
Setting the
is chatting with Jennifer about Laura's treatment when she glances over
theatrically at Dr Kay. Oh! she tells Jennifer. That's Dr Kay over
there! He's done amazing work on memory!
Jennifer's request, Dr Kay enters Laura's room, as Marlena, moonlighting as
psychiatrist in between bouts as a grieving mother, bristles with professional
jealousy. Asking Laura a few questions, Dr Kay shakes his head.
my professional opinion, he states, what you have experienced is brain
trauma. I think psychotropic drugs and hypnotherapy will have no
result, and in fact, I think they may make you regress.
As Kristen
breathes a sigh of relief, Jennifer looks concerned. Maybe you
shouldn't do it then mom, she says worried, as Marlena seethes. I
totally disagree! she growls.
Well, shrugs Dr
Kay, that's my professional opinion, and I am an expert on brain trauma and
at the hospital, Vivian tries to see Scami. I'm sorry, smiles the
nurse on duty apologetically. But she's in a very serious
condition. Her doctor has restricted visitors to either close family
or 6 horizontal rows of 20 people - however many come first.
Make sure, Kate
commands to the nurse with no authority whatsoever to do so, that this woman gain no
entrance into Scami's room at all.
The Offer
keen to check out of hospital, despite her frequent coma-like sleeps,
alternate panic attacks, Frankenstein sleepwalking and general ravings.
Jennifer is
steadfast. It's too early! she exclaims. You need supervision,
rotating medication and care. As Laura draws breath to launch into a
full blown kiddy tandrum, Nurse Lynn overhears.
I could assist? she asks. I'm just back in Salem and short of cash. If
you could offer room and board, I'd be happy to be Dr Horton's personal home
care nurse.
Instantly Jennifer
brightens. What a great idea! Isn't that a great idea mom?
Laura's bottom lip
pouts in ungracious consent. I don't need a nurse Jennifer, she
whines, but if it helps me get out of hospital, well then I'll do it.
I'll get the paperwork together, smiles Nurse Lynn happily.
Oh oh
the stethoscope from his ears, to the beat of a thousand machine beeps
droning steadily in the background, Mike looks grim.
nothing else I can do, he sighs. Scami's vital signs are
weakening. I think perhaps you should call Father Jansen.
Suffering a chronic bout of gasping, Marlena's eyes fill with tears.
No! she shouts.
June 22
stoicism has left her temporarily as she sobs on Bo's shoulder. Scami
will get through this, Bo promises her. She's a Brady, she's tough.
appears. Bo I'm so sorry, she tells him, as he nods his head.
Excuse me, he mumbles. I've got to be alone and be a strong silent
type now.
Bo leave, Billieboob sighs. Bo is hurting so much right now, she tells
her mother. Well go to him, urges Kate. Hope doesn't want him
anymore. He has to know how much you love him. It will clear the
air, and you can offer support in his family's terrible time.
Sighing Billieboob
considers the advice and agrees. I'll tell him, she whispers as Kate
It's over
Hope to truly believe her relationship with Bo is over, it's important she
repeat the words "It's over" at least three times a day to
herself, and tell as many people as humanly possible amongst friends and
over Gran, she tells Alice who stares at her bemused. It's over.
I can't share Bo with Billieboob.
There there, love
always finds a way, Alice spouts prophetically, as Hope's new curly frivolous
"do" belies her tragic expression.
is finding it hard to make eye contact with the constant stream of sobbing
Brady's, despite none of them blaming him for flattening their loved
one. Go home now, urges Shawn Michael Patrick O'Reilly Shamus
Brady. Will needs you to spend some time with him now, to be sure, to
be sure.
The moment of
has followed Bo to the hospital balcony, where he looks meaningfully at the
horizon. Scami has her faults, he smiles ruefully, but she is Roman
and Marlena's daughter, and we all love her very much.
Seeing a window of
opportunity, Billieboob clambers through. That's right Bo, and perhaps
the biggest thing most of us realise in life during tragedies like this, is
that to delay telling someone you love that you do love them. I love
you Bo.
right! Bo agrees. Billieboob I see what you mean!
You do? smiles
Billieboob hopefully. Yes! Bo grins seeing the light. I must go
and tell Hope I love her immediately. It's never too late!
Thanks Billieboob!
Borrowed time.

Congratulating Dr
Kay on his performance in Laura's room, Kristen is well aware that they've
only bought a small amount of time. Well I'm leaving Salem, snaps the
good doctor as he reaches for his coat. But you are not going until
you come up with something, threatens Kristen, or else Stefano will find
Nodding, Dr Kay
considers his pharmaceutical book. Here's a drug, he says. This
drug, if taken once every twelve hours will keep Laura from remembering, he
says as he writes the prescription.
It's your job to
figure out how to switch her medication, he tells Kristen.
Bad Dreams
back home in her own bed, Laura is sleeping restlessly, seeing visions of
the Blake home interspersed with Kristen, Peter and Stefano's faces.
Waking groggily, she hops out of the bed staggering blindly towards the
door. I must go to the Blake house, she mutters sleepily.
downstairs Jennifer's appalled to find that Jack is pleading guilty to
Peter's murder. Why? she asks.
hoping the judge will go easy on me if I save the court a trial, Jack lies
to save Jennifer the angst. Continuing to argue they walk into the
kitchen, causing too much noise to hear...
stumble down the stairs clad in her nightgown and robe, sleepily reach for
the door on the quest for memory recall.
That's it.
is distressed. I'm leaving Salem, she tells Kate. Bo simply
loves Hope. I can't put myself through feeling this way about him,
only to have him reject me. I'm leaving Salem. I'm going to pack
my bags.
the pen and paper on the desk, Kate makes a suggestion. Why don't you just
sit down and get your thoughts together? Write a letter to Bo about
how you feel. It's cathartic in a way.
Billieboob sits down and begins to write.
"You were not only my lover, you were my best friend
in the whole world. And still to this day, my heart belongs to you.
For so long I tried to deny my love, to hide it - but it's too strong. No
matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop loving you, needing you....."
is stupid! she laughs screwing up the letter and standing. I'm going
to pack my bags.
The video
at home with Will, Ausdumb decides to show a video. As he places it in
the VCR, he looks sad. It's his sham wedding to Scami.
looks so happy, he tells Carrie tearfully. And there I was angry and
annoyed. What was the worst day in my life, was the happiest day in
Ausdumb, you can't
feel that way, Carrie tries to comfort him. You didn't know all this
was going to happen.
The phone rings
and Carrie's face falls. They're calling us back to the hospital, she
tells Ausdumb. They think the end is near.
arrived dressed to kill at the Geriatricakis household. Kate's
surprised to see him, and even more surprised that he's come there for a
favour. I need to borrow a book of Victor's, he tells Kate. It's
called "Love Sonnets For When You Have Two Women That Love You
Frowning, Kate is
stumped. Okay, she smiles. I'll go look for it.
Bo waits and looks around the room, Kate stands in the doorway, willing him
silently to see Billie's letter on the desk.
not disappointed. Earning a degree in busy-body from Salem PD, he
spies the letter. Dear Bo...he reads.
were not only my lover, you were my best friend in the whole world.
And still to this day, my heart belongs to you. For so long I tried to
deny my love, to hide it but it's too strong. No matter how hard I tried, I
couldn't stop loving you, needing you.
I know you love Hope.
She's the first in your heart and always will be.
That's why I'm writing this to you now.
Because it seems wrong somehow to love someone so much and not let
them know.
Love is powerful, so I'm hoping that even though you don't
return my love, someday my love for you will touch your life for the better,
if only from afar. Like a ray
of sunlight shining down to make a flower grow.
Life will never be the way I hoped and dreamed it will be but I pray
it will be that way for you and Hope; filled with laughter and joy and much love for each other.
And sometimes, now and then, a
kind thought for someone who knows and loves you both so much.
All my love
As Bo finishes the
letter, he looks up to see Kate standing before him. She didn't expect
you to see that, she smiles. But now that you know she still loves
you, what are you going to do about it?
got to go, blurts Bo sweeping past her and grabbing the book she
Yes Bo, Kate
thinks. But who are you going to?
Standing on the
pier, Billieboob's mind goes back to her wedding to Bo.
I shall love you all the days of our lives, he finishes.
Bo, she whispers sadly.
Memories #2
staggered to the Blake house, Laura's memory is returning in flashes.
Remembering seeing Kristen and Dr Kay's face looking down on her, she sobs
as she turns the doorknob, miraculously open giving her access to the house.
Bad news
are indeed grim. You've arrived in good time, Dr All Purpose Mike
Horton tells Ausdumb. It won't be long now. Probably a good idea
to take your son in to say his goodbyes.
Hoo, sob Shawn Michael Patrick O'Reilly Ryan Brady as he leans on his wife
for support. Our little Scami! he wails.
a noise behind her, Billieboob turns. Bo! she smiles, then frowns at his
uneasiness. What's wrong?
I know, Bo tells
her. I know that you love me. I've come to say I love you too
behind a tree, Hope covers her mouth to stop her wailing outright. The
truth as she knows it is. Boo hooo.....
June 23rd
around the Blake house, Laura's flashes of memory are coming thick and
fast. Agggh, she sobs as she sees the laser in her mind's eye edging
towards her. What did they do to me? she sobs.
bolt upright, Celeste is shocked. Something is wrong with Laura, she
forecasts. That poor woman what is awaiting her now? I must go
to see her and warn her.
Marlena is praying
at the hospital chapel. Please give me a sign God, she howls taking
hope as John reaches towards her.
better isn't she? I just knew it! she sobs, but John looks grim. I'm
afraid not, he whispers. She's getting worse. You have to come
Kristen's decided
to visit Laura in an attempt to swap Laura's meds, but when Jennifer checks
upstairs, Laura has gone!
thought she was asleep! moans Nurse Lynn clearly derelict in her duty.
Where should we look? groans Jennifer.
love me? whispers Billieboob as Hope unseen runs away. Of course,
smiles Bo. Just as a friend though, nods Billie sadly. After
what we've been through, Bo explains. I can't just love you as a
friend. There's that and something else.
But you want Hope,
pipes Billieboob insightfully as Bo ruefully agrees. You're terrific
for understanding,
Bo pipes enthusiastically.
Go to Hope Bo,
Billieboob tells him tearfully.
What a gal, Bo
smiles admiringly.
buy you some flowers. Even though I don't want to spend my life with
you, you deserve some flowers for loving me though! Bye! Off to
win the Fancyface of my dreams back!
Just a matter of
just a matter of time now, All Purpose Dr Mike has told Marlena and John
sadly. Say your goodbyes.
down, Marlena whispers to her daughter. The pain will be all over
soon, she sobs. Soon you will be going home.
towards the bright studio lights, Scami's soul stops for a moment looking
back. Home, she whispers before moving on.
at Jennifer's house, Celeste is keen to see Laura. I'm sorry, but
everyone has gone to look for her, explains Nurse Lynn. She's
missing. That poor woman, Celeste cries shakes her silly wig.
What terrible fate is going to befall her now?
run too early from Bo and Billieboob's conversation, Hope jumps to Alice's
lap distraught. It's really over, she says one more time for good measure.
Mother &
Daughter Chat
pleased to see Billieboob back home. I ran into Bo, Billieboob smiles
wistfully. He told me he loved me and gave me these flowers. And
now he's off trying to win back the real love of his life - Hope.
Well I hope she
sends him off for good and I'm sure she will, Kate states as Billieboob
looks shocked. That's terrible! she says appalled.
Billieboob I love
you, I want you to be happy, tones Kate. That's all.
All dressed up...
arrived at the Horton house all dressed up, ready to read his love poem and
woo his Fancy face back. He's stunned when Fancyface is
unreceptive. Do you like my suit? he grins.
Bo I've got
something to say, Hope interrupts.
That you love me?
he rambles, because you can keep saying that forever!
I'll always love
you Bo, Hope admits. But it's not enough. It's over Bo.
Despite Hope
having been saying this for some time, Bo obviously isn't used to the idea
as he looks stunned. Over? he repeats.
Staring in
disbelief as Hope drops the engagement ring in his open palm, he's struck
mute as Hope mutters her goodbyes.
I'm not going, he
finally manages to blurt out, but Hope's unimpressed. Well, I'll go
them, she shrugs and walks from the room, leaving Bo and his poems alone and
Last rights
Jansen reads the last rights as Marlena holds Scami's hand.
But what's
this? Something's changed. Dr Mike's looking confused.
what is it? asks Marlena. Her heart beat rose, just for a moment,
frowns the expert doctor. It must have been in response to some
stimuli in the room. The prayer? The voices?
No, breathes
Marlena. It was the music on the radio! What was it? Oh I
can't remember the name! I'll call the radio station, says John racing
Ausdumb arrives, Marlena fills him with hope. What music does she
like? she begs. I think I know something! Ausdumb says
excitedly. Hang on Scami - I'll be back!
Jack and Kristen have arrived back at the house and are surprised to see
Celeste. I had a vision, she advises. Laura is in trouble.
I think she may be at the Blake House. I'll stay here to look after
Abbey, you take the nurse.
Laura walks around the house, she remembers more. Handcuffs, rope,
laser gun, Peter's face, Kristen's face. As the memories come flooding
back, she howls. What did you do to me? she asks the walls,
before collapsing to the floor.

Hot on the scene
are Jack, Jennifer, Kristen and Nurse Lynn. Reviving Laura from her
rapid sleep on the floor, Laura seems to recover her faculties quickly.
at Kristen who looks back innocently, Laura snarls. They did terrible
things to me in this house. And I'm not dreaming it!
Race against
is back. Did you set up the equipment like I asked you to? he asks
Carrie who replies affirmatively.
Good, sighs
Let's hope this
works for Scami. We don't have much time.
What happens
next? Tune in next week for Days DownUnder....
Well poor old Mickey Horton seems to have had a
charisma bypass judging by last week's results to our quizlet
question: Which male has the least sex appeal? The results were:
Lucas 16%
Austin 9%
Franco 14%
Mickey 32%
Abe 17%
Shawn 12%
Click here to continue to June
Week 5
to Days Down Under
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