3: Aug 14-Aug 18
screened February 97 in the U.S.
31-Aug 4
A quick apology for the colour problems with some of the
photos. My computer problems with the video card continue and I've
been battling getting something half way decent for you. I'm hoping all will
be well next week.
August 14
a brand new black eye thanks to some personality conflicts with his prison
buddies, Jack
remains stupidly optimistic. Just thinking of Jennifer and Abbey makes his day
Jennifer is at home agonising over her lonely existence. Today is the first day Jack is permitted to
have visitors - should she go? Is it pointless to pursue a relationship with
a man who's in prison for the rest of his life? Fortunately this
agonising is kept to a minimum as Lil Abbey makes the decision for her
mother. She's drawn a pretty picture for daddy - of course Jennifer
will take it to him.
Reporting In...

Commander Amiable
Abe is meeting discreetly with undercover detective extraordinaire Bozo
"Big Breasted Women Want Me" Brady.
Abe's full of admiration. Your
ability to play the down-and-out cop ripe for bribery is nothing short of
amazing - even your friends and family are shocked at your rapid
descent. And your mission improbable success in stealing the file of
J.L.King from my safe despite the random laser beams was miraculous.
Let's hope J.L. King is now convinced you're on his side.
Modestly, Bozo
agrees, but still he's concerned. What about Hope? I saw her peering
through the slats in your office door while I was lying prostrate - my arms
through my ears and my elbows around my thighs resisting the laser beams - I think she thinks something is
up. I'll deal with it Amiable Abe nods seriously.
Pat the Rat the DA
is back as viperous and humourless as we remember her. She's meeting
with Commander Amiable Abe to demonstrate to J.L.King and his attorney that
they have all the evidence they need for a conviction.

J.L. King
yawns, clearly unimpressed with Commander Plod's assessment of his gloomy future,
his lawyer looks on nervously. Wait, Commander Amiable Abe tones, I'll show
you. I have your file carefully locked in my office safe, and secured
by random laser beams in a state of the art setup when I leave the office.
this? he roars apparently shocked when a solitary Visa bill from 1985 floats
softly to the floor. What's happened to the file? he asks
As Pat the Rat stares
horrified at the empty safe, J.L. King smirks. I guess you have
nothing, the attorney bleats happily. Make sure you're ready
though. We will be
filing a suit against the city for police harassment.
What's happened?
growls DA PatRat as Amiable Abe sighs, throwing up his hands in despair.
Hope's demanding answers. Why are you pushing me away, she nags
relentlessly. Is it Billieboob? I want to work with you, I want to rid
Salem of drugs Bo. Raising his eyebrows, Bozo looks bored. That's
the sort of thing you do if you're a detective - but in case you haven't
noticed, I'm now a beat cop. I don't have access to anything like
that. I suggest that you let the rest of the Salem Plods do their job
without interfering.
Alright, Hope
sighs clearly unhappy. If you say so.
Visit No. 1
The internal struggle Jennifer suffered as to whether she should or should
not visit Jack in prison is mercifully over. I'm okay, Jack assures
her, his obvious efforts to conceal his black eye drawing Jennifer's
attention to it all the more. It's okay, Jack says manfully. We were
just playing a friendly game of basketball and I got hit with a stray iron
bar - that's all.
Happy to believe
this whopper, Jennifer passes on Lil Abbey's love, whilst assuring Jack's foreseeable
future in prison remains intact by reminding him Never-Win Mickey is fighting for his
The Test...
life of a drug lord is not an easy one. Not only do you have the daily
worries of suppliers, potential drug busts and your sycophants' troublesome
behaviours, it's also important to worry about the love lives of bad cops
Yes indeed.
It's vital for J.L. to know just whom Bozo is romantically involved
with. Once he finds out this information, he'll have more leverage by
knowing BozoCop's "hot
Send out
invitations to the club, he barks to his cohort in crime. I want both
Hope and Billieboob invited. Then we can sit back and see where
loyalty lies. I don't believe his story that he's not interested in either of these
well-endowed women. He's a man isn't he?
August 15
worried. If Susan manages to reveal the truth about Kristen, Kristen
will have lost everything - and that means her voting power on the Titan
board will be gone, leaving Vivian with no allies. We must ensure that
Kristen's secrets are safe, she tells Ivan, but with Marlena and Susan
hanging around, we'll have our work cut out for us!
I want to thank you both, Kristen says sincerely. It means so much to
me that you have been willing to help. Especially to get rid of Susan
last night. Stunned, Vivian stares at Kristen who looks immediately
stricken. I didn't get rid
of her, she mutters - I thought you did!
the hospital, Susan is mumbling. I must get back to see my poor baby
"Elvis". He needs me, and I'm not going to leave town like
Kristen wanted. I just can't do it. uh-uh.
Mum to the

Buddy the bruiser,
the school drug pusher, has made a personal trek to the home of ShawnD.
ShawnD has caused problems for Buddy, now that the school is aware of the
active drug trade happening in the precinct and has determined to be ever
vigilant for drug pushers such as Buddy.
Not one for polite conversation, Buddy
decides to introduce his fist to ShawnD's solar plexus by way of indicating
his displeasure, before Hope, hearing
the commotion runs from the house. Buddy the Bruiser, intimidated no
doubt by Hope's bouncing boobs and rightfully fearing imminent suffocation
or worse, makes a run for it as Hope drags her son from
the ground.
I swear, she vows
raising a fist, as God is my witness I am going to outlaw the entire globe
of the scourge of drugs! (No matter what I promised to my former husband).
Marlena to the
Knowing that John
is distressed over little John's tenuous hold on life, Marlena has summoned
Caroline to bring the children to the hospital where John will conduct his
annual fatherly audience.
Brady on his head, screaming alarmingly in his ear, laughing hysterically at
Belle and garbling unintelligibly appears
to be John's idea of fatherhood as Marlena looks on dreamily.
witch! snaps Kristen close by. She's decided to remind John that he
has children with her too! What a devious, manipulative woman she
is! Perhaps, whispers Vivian accurately, she feels the same about you.
There's a
here's a tricky problem. Little John Junior needs blood for his
impending heart surgery and Kristen
knows that should she donate, her secret will be out, her life with John
I know you hate
needles honey, but our son needs it, John urges as Kristen smiles wanly. Of
course I'll give blood for our son, she agrees, as Marlena aware and
suspicious, observes her through skinny eyes.
Problem on the
As Caroline fusses
over Brady, human tornado Belle totters off alone into the hospital
corridor. Clearly Caroline can't cope as she wrings her hands and
groans. Fortunately, Susan is standing nearby. Don't you worry, she
smiles at Caroline. I look after this young man here till you return.
What's your name young man? asks Susan. Bwady, lisps the infant.
Bwady Bwack. Black? asks Susan interested. Are you John Black's
Caroline speak with Shawn Patrick Ryan O'Leary Irish Leprechaun Brady, Susan
is concerned when Shawn emotes loudly.
That baby of John's needs blood for the operation - to
be sure, to be sure. he laments. I wish I could give, but I'm not the right
blood type, no I'm not, I'm not.
I know about you.
Kristen swallows nervously as John confronts her. I know, he tells her
seriously. You've been keeping a secret and now I know.
You er do?
stutters Kristen.
Yes, I know that
you're anaemic and you shouldn't be giving blood. It was lucky Dr
Robbo told me. Fortunately, I'm a match to John Jnr, so I'll give
blood. You should have told me honey - can't have you making yourself
Sharing glances,
Vivian, Kristen and Ivan breathe a sigh of relief as John trots off - happily
Do something...
Hope places a call to Bozo. You've got to do something, a kid from the
school was just here punching our child to a pulp in our backyard.
We've got to rid the world of drugs.
Sorry, no can do, beat cop! BozoCop reminds
her. Is ShawnD okay?
Yes, he's fine
sighs Hope clearly upset over Bozo's disinterest. What happened Bo? she
whines. What happened to your passion? Your commitment to saving the
world? Your personal crusades?
I'm a beat cop
now, he repeats ad nauseam. I have no authority and lots of problems to work out.
Giving Blood
John gives blood, Marlena tells him that a woman, concerned about little
John Junior's health, is giving blood for him as well in the next cubicle. John's
Hello? Lady in the
next bed? he asks. I just want to thank you for doing this. Do I
know you?
replies Susan. Well, er you might!
Susan's voice, Vivian and Kristen share stunned glances. It's Susan!
We've got to get her out of here, shrills Kristen.
Dragging Susan
reluctantly from the bed just before Marlena opens the curtain, John looks
confused as he stares at the empty bed. Where did she go? he asks
The decision is
received an invitation from the Nasty Club, courtesy of J.L.King. That's the
nightclub I was at last week trying to find information, she tells Special Event
Maggie who sighs and looks blank in return.
Bozo is unwilling to enter another adventure with me, the least I can do, is
enter into a solo crusade to rid Salem and the rest of the free world of drugs.
Aug 16
Another Guest
the same invitation is Billieboob who wastes no time shrugging on a lycra
strap and sashaying into the poorly lit venue to seek out Bozo BBWWM Brady.
Good News
news! The operation has been a success. John Jnr will be fine, assures
the world-renowned heart specialist.
thank you Doctor! mutters John hi-fiving his friends and maximising all
potential opportunities to closely embrace the other member of his personal
That's wonderful news! exults Marlena holding on a little too long, and a
little too tight.
Sidling alongside
Marlena, Loony/Lucid Laura settles happily on her shoulder. You know
what you should do, she whispers in her ear. Kristen's not here, the baby is
going to be fine. Now is your opportunity to tell John everything.
You're right!
smiles Marlena gleefully. Finally, she whispers, the day I've waited
for is finally here!
John? she
commands. I need to have a word with you. It's important.
Okay, agrees Mr Flexible allowing himself to be led away as Vivian looks on
with horror.
Where is Kristen?
she asks Ivan who shrugs. She's disappeared and Marlena's going to
tell John what she knows!
The way it is...

Unaware that
Marlena is about to ruin her life, Kristen takes to threatening Susan,
reminding her that Little Elvis has in fact been named John Junior and that
the infant is Kristen and John's baby not hers. Susan has been paid good money
by Stefano DiMera and it would not be wise to defy him.
Threats appear to
be the wrong tactic and Susan stands her ground stubbornly. John is
my husband and Elvis is my baby and I don't want to leave Salem! she snorts
as Kristen does a slow boil.
her invitation to the Nasty Club, Hope sighs. FrUnco, I have to go and
see Bozo. I don't understand his change of attitude towards me - he'll be at
the Nasty Club I'm sure and we can clear up our lovelife and re-establish
our future together. I just hope it's not too late.
Oh oh....
oh, Billieboob is in trouble - big trouble. As Bozo the bad cop plays
his part talking with J.L. King, Billieboob is quietly listening through the
keyhole. No! Billieboob whispers shocked. Bozo can't be a bad
cop dealing with a horrible drug lord! What is going on here?
Leaning forward,
her substantial breast size causes her to tip forward and unbalanced, she
plummets to the earth
with a thud. What's that? asks J.L. angrily striding towards the
door. Grasping Billieboob by the arm, he drags her inside as Bozo
looks on horrified.
I knew it!
explodes. This is a setup!
Kate's plan to ship Scami off to an Hawaiian rehabilitation clinic has gone
sour, when Scami insists Ausdumb - her loving husband, accompany her. Thinking on his feet is a
difficult act for poor Ausdumb who, looking at Carrie with puppy eyes,
reluctantly agrees.
Dragging his feet
towards the door, an idea hits the grey matter. Oh! I have a job! he grins. I
can't go!
brother Mucus is all smiles and there to help. Well as Mom is your
boss, I don't think it will be a problem for you to get time off will there?
he grins wincing as Ausdumb flashes his brother a withering glance, before
slumping from the room.
What to do?
agonises Salem's resident genius, as Carrie looks bored. Allowing Scami to
think she is happily married to you is just ridiculous, she pouts echoing
our collective thoughts at home.
Finally the moment has arrived. One of many moments actually, where
Marlena has had the opportunity to tell John the truth about Kristen. Well! she
embarks upon her mission, I have something to tell you John. Something
I've been meaning to tell you for a very long time.
That is, in fact,
not all that long, but long enough in the scheme of things. Now, oh
gosh, where to begin? Well I guess I should begin at the beginning, but
well, if I keep on rambling, something is bound to interrupt us, so perhaps
I should start at the end, beginning with your baby being okay and healthy,
and then work backwards....
Waiting patiently,
John's nostrils flare and his eyes glaze over. What are you trying to
tell me Marlena? he asks in his endearing "where did my brain go" way.
August 17
Fighting for
their lives....
J.L. King smells a rat, but BozoCop, regaining his detective smarts (no doubt
a temporary condition) starts to confess. Okay, he admits, I kept this
information from you, because I didn't want you to know. Billieboob is
my girlfriend okay? I'm trying to keep it quiet, because breaking up with Hope has
been very messy.
Billieboob remains silent, her eyes widening as Bozo embarks upon one
whopper after the other. Billieboob is jealous okay? She's come after
me to see what I was doing. What are you doing here
Billieboob? he
snarls exasperated, but Billieboob wisely keeps her mouth shut and shrugs.
Okay, nods
King convinced. Now I've got leverage. I know your "hot
button". Do what I say or you both get it okay?
Sure, agrees
Bozo. She won't say a word.
they leave, Bo stops Billieboob on the stairs. Do you know that you
nearly got us both killed? he snaps as Billieboob winces.
Unable to stop Marlena from telling John all, Vivian sips her coffee
nervously. Where is Kristen? she asks desperately.
Realising a change of tactics are needed, Kristen decides to empathise with
Susan's plight. I understand how difficult it is for you, but you see
John Junior is sick - do you have the money to pay for his care? You know
you don't. But you can get away knowing that John and I love him and
will care for him like we are his real parents. In the meantime, you
can visit wonderful parts of the world, maybe meet a man who loves you and
have more children.
Well, Susan
considers slowly, I always did want to visit Paris....
Beating around
the bush...
Well, that is Marlena sighs. Gosh, well what I really want to say is,
John you have a right to be happy.
That's a fact,
John confirms, and so do you Doc.
er, Thank you, Marlena smiles.
Well what I want to say is, that is....
A plan
Fresh from circumventing Susan's disastrous plans, Kristen walks into more
trouble. Marlena is in that room right now about to tell John
everything! Vivian urges her ally. You must do something!
As Marlena
continues to beat around the bush, they're startled by a scream. Quick
someone! calls Vivian. Do something!
Racing outside, John finds Kristen in a dead faint on the floor. Honey
honey! wake up he says urgently, as Marlena crosses her arms suspiciously,
another opportunity obviously lost to a case of extended babbling.
Kristen groans, what happened? You fainted, John tells her. I'm
going to get a doctor to look at you. No, no! Kristen argues as John
races for assistance.
towards Vivian and Ivan, Marlena frowns. Whatever Kristen's up to, it
appears Vivian and Ivan are involved.
Walking with Billieboob to the dance floor, Bozo tells her to smile.
We're being watched, he says grinning frostily. Now you know I'm
working undercover and because of that, you may get us both killed.
Now come onto the dance floor, and don't forget to smile - they're looking at us.
With pleasure
Billieboob smiles, happy to be in Bozo's arms again, but Bozo speaks
plainly. This is all an act he tells her as they grope and twist, I
love Hope okay?
Too bad Hope can't hear Bozo's words as she looks on painfully seeing her former husband
sexily with Billieboob.
Unable to stop herself, she confronts him tearfully. What happened
Bozo? she challenges. Here you are in a sleazy bar, hanging out with
Billieboob - well looks like I've lost then. Congratulations Billieboob! she
snorts at Billieboob looks abashed.
J.L. King's
interest in proceedings, Bozo looks bored. Go home to our son, you
shouldn't be here, he tells her before grasping Billieboob and resuming the
Devastated Hope
runs from the room with FrUnco happily trotting alongside punching the air
and doing the dance of joy.
Kristen's protestations, John can't be deferred from his mission to seek
expert medical help for Kristen's fainting spell. I'm fine! she
insists, but Dr Roberts shakes his head. You're overdue for your
examination after childbirth, you've been stressed. As John removes
himself from the room, Kristen appeals to the doctor.
Please? she begs. I just want to go home. Dr Roberts, obviously
on commission for the number of patients checked on any one day, remains
adamant. Now I've got you, I'm examining you! he says firmly reaching
for his stethoscope.
Saved by the
public address system. Dr Roberts needed stat! comes the dulcet tones
of a female and Robbo grimaces.
Drat! he spits as
he watches the commission bought sports-car disappear. Promise me, I'm doing
this medical check tomorrow young lady.
Tomorrow, agrees
Kristen smiling.
Good news! announces Kristen after Dr Robbo departs. Dr Roberts said I
can go home. As John starts to cluck and fuss, Marlena is savvy to
what's going on.
Wait one minute,
she commands. I have something to say. John, we have to complete
our conversation.
Can we do it later
Doc? frowns John. I want to get Kristen home, she's had a hard time of
it, he explains as Kristen stands by looking sickly.
Alright, Marlena
agrees. But you and I will be continuing this conversation tonight
John. I've waited far too long to tell you what you need to know.
Fine! smiles John
thickly as Kristen stares hatefully at her enemy
August 18
Having no life of her own, Loony/Lucid Laura chooses to live vicariously
through her friend Marlena - who at this moment is bursting with
Kristen may have
won a small battle by feigning ill health at the hospital, but Marlena is
going to have her way - one way or another.
John is going to hear the truth -
I've just come home to get into a sexy evening dress,
play with my children, fuss
with my hair for half an hour and allow the maximum amount of scheming to go
on at the DiMansion before I going over there to tell John everything!
determines Marlena as Laura grins from ear to ear.
Loose Cannon
Despite the best scheming in the world, nothing can stop Susan, the loose
cannon. Traumatised over the birth and loss of her newborn baby to Kristen,
she starts to weep. I want my baby back! No matter what Kristen
says! she sobs grasping her cabbage patch doll close to her chest.
times call for desperate measures. Stefano and Peter are away
recuperating and Kristen's all alone. Her world will crumble tonight unless
she thinks of something. Sighing she picks up the phone and calls
Marlena. I'd like you appeal to your kinder side, she tells her as
Marlena's eyes open wide in exasperation.
I've waited long enough Kristen! she spits as Laura cheers from the
sidelines. If you think I'm going to wait one minute more to tell John
about your scheming and your manipulation and your evil ways, you'd better
think again! I'm going to tell John tonight Kristen.
the phone in anger, Kristen listens to Marlena's words with increasing
despair. I've lost everyone I love Marlena, everyone! You let John go
twice! You just can't bear anyone else to have him! challenges
Kristen, but Marlena's unimpressed.
Be prepared
Kristen, Marlena warns. Tonight is going to be the worst night of your
Vivian to the
Realising that Kristen can't orchestrate a plan alone, Vivian stops by, but
John is annoyed. She's tired, he says firmly, but he's powerless to stop
Vivian as she seeks out Kristen.
This is all driving me crazy! Kristen wails. Waving a gun around, she
has Vivian's full attention. Marlena and Susan, they're responsible
for all of this - they'll force me to use it!
I've got a plan,
Vivian whispers. Granted it may not work, but at this stage, I think
anything is worth a try. Marlena's got to be pipped at the post, and
although my plan is risky, what other choice do we have?
Amiable Abe
Time is passing as Amiable Abe calls on Marlena. You're going to tell
John you love him? asks Abe incredulously. But Marlena! John is not
free! Why didn't you tell him months ago? As Marlena outlines
her story, Vivian's plan is swinging into action at the DiMansion.
Marlena's plight, Abe shows compassion. Good luck Marlena, he smiles
giving her his full blessing.
The Plan
Kristen's devastated! Vivian tells John. But if he knows nothing else,
knows women and he puts Kristen's strange demeanour down to a case of post
partum depression.
It's more than that, Vivian
argues. She
knows how you feel about Marlena. She knows that Marlena is the woman
you love - all those long yearning looks that you send her way whenever
you're around. She knows that now the baby is born, you'll probably turn to
Marlena and she thinks she's going to lose you.
astounded to see Kristen packing a suitcase. Let's talk about this
Kristen, he moans, but Kristen looks at him sadly. I think it's time I
got away for a while, she suggests. I don't want to talk about it.
You're breaking my
heart Kristen, mutters John as he leaves the room miserably.
At Condoheaven, Marlena has slipped into an evening gown and his debating
over the dubious benefits of her chosen hairstyle in breaking horrendous
emotional news.
Finally ready she steps back as Loony/Lucid
Laura applauds. You look wonderful! grins Laura. Go get that man
of yours!
Guilty as sin, John is agonising. Has he really done the unthinkable?
Has he shown to Kristen that he still has feelings for Doc and in turn has
Marlena fallen in love with him all over again? What a cad!
Grasping Vivian, he's desperate. Is that what I've done? he
shouts. Does Marlena love me?
As Vivian purses
her lips tightly, John makes a decision.
If that's the
case, we have to speak immediately. I've been playing with the
emotions of the two women I care about most in the world! And that's not
Reporting In...
Vivian's worried. Their strategy is not going to plan. Far from the
original intention for John to spurn Marlena's visit due to his guilt over
Kristen's misery, it appears he now wants to talk with her!
What are we going
to do? cries Kristen. My life is over if he talks to Marlena!
What happens
next? Tune in next week for Days Downunder...
week's Quizlet Results: To the question: Does Marlena have the right to
break up John and Kristen by telling what she knows - readers voted:
18% Yes - she deserves happiness!
55% Yes - John SHOULD know what he's getting
5% No one has a right to breakup a marriage
7% No Adults make their own choices. good & bad
16% John's too dopey to understand anyway!
Click here to continue to
August Week 4
to Days Down Under
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Reserved: Gayle Howard |